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ICE WET: Fra Form til Famling
Solveig Styve Holte/YKS
Kjøp billetter
13. februar 2024 Kl. 16:30
Sted: Bergen Dansesenter
Språk: Engelsk
Kategori: Presentasjon
Varighet: 40 min

Excerpt from Dance performance and presentation on artistry

Solveig Styve Holte vil saman med danser Ilse Ghekiere vise et 20 minutters utdrag fra forestillingen Fra Form til Famling, samt gi en presentasjon av kunstnerskapet sitt. 

Forestillingen tar utgangspunkt i materielle spor fra arkivene til Høvik Ballett, det første frie profesjonelle dansekompaniet i Norge i nyere tid (1969-1989)


Premiered 2. november 2023.
The work explores the material traces from the archive from Høvik Ballet.
Developed in collaboration and years of exploring together with the performers Ilse Ghekiere, Terje Tjøme Mossige, Magdalene Solli and Per Roar. 
Music by Ane Marthe Sørlien Holen, Jan Marn Smørdal and Krisne Tjøgersen.
Costume and visuals by Solveig Fagermo
Light design by Elisabeth Kjeldahl Nilsson.
Producer Kristin Skiun.
Choreographic assistance Loan Ha.
Supported by FFUK, Norsk Kulturråd and FFLB
co-produced by Dansens Hus. 


Solveig Styve Holte is a dancer, choreographer, and research fellow at department of Dance at Oslo National Academy of the Arts from 2019-2025. In her choreographic practice all existing material and dance historical archive is given new bodies, corporeality, and different futures. Her research aims to broaden and challenge the understanding of authorship, history writing and intertextuality in dance and choreography. She works extensively in collaborations and creates performances for museum, gallery, theater, outdoor spaces, as well as writings. Recent works are HORDE created together with choreographer Ingri Fiksdal and 10 teenagers. HORDE address and questions who participates in artistic work today and premiered at the CODA dance festival at the opening of the new Munch Museum in Bjørvika in October 2021 and were further developed with Kilden teater and Ravndedans in Kristiansand in 2022 and for Moving in November in Helsinki in 2023. In November 2023 she will premiere Frå form til famling at Henie Onstad Art Centre. In this work she speculates on the potential embedded in the legacy of the first independent contemporary dance company in Norway. Other recent work is “Undying- a handwork” (2022) Nationalmuseum, ViSir (2020) Parken Kulturhus, Flakkande røynd (2019) Gallery Golsa/ Black box teater with Grenne/ Holte/Lauvdal/ Johannesdottir/ HAiKw and Lightness: Fleire (2017) at Dansens Hus Oslo. Together with Venke Sortland and Ann-Christin Kongsness she initiated and is the in editorial team for the anthology KOREOGRAFI/ CHOREOGRAPHY (2016 and 2018 and 2021) www.choreography.no Holte shares her time between Oslo and Folkestad, where she is working towards developing YKS, a choreographic center at her farm.


Ilse Ghekiere is an artist and art critic. She studied dance at the Conservatory of Antwerp and has a MA in Art Sciences from The Free University of Brussels. As a dancer she has worked with, among others, Michèle Anne De Mey, Mette Ingvartsen and Jan Martens. In 2017, she received a scholarship from the Flemish Government to investigate sexism in the Belgian dance field. She is the founder of ENGAGEMENT ARTS, an artists’ movement that tackles sexual harassment, sexism and abuse of power in the Belgian art world. As an art critic she writes for, among others, Norsk Shakespeare- og teatertidsskrift and Rekto:Verso. She is also a board member of PRAXIS OSLO. She works and lives in Oslo and Brussels.

Mer informasjon

Utdrag og presentasjon av kunstnerskap. Frå Form til Famling er et nytt koreografisk arbeid som tar utgangspunkt i de materielle sporene i arkivet etter Høvik Ballet, det første frie profesjonelle dansekompaniet i Norge i nyere tid. Kompaniet eksisterte fra 1969 til 1989, og hadde Henie Onstad Kunstsenter på Høvikodden som fast tilholdssted.
Sammenlignet med musikk, teater, visuell kunst og litteratur fra samme periode er den tidlige dansekunsten lite dokumentert, men noe finnes. Prosjektet har arbeidet med foto og filmmateriale fra den første perioden fra 1969 til 1975, og tittelen er en reversering av NRK-programmet Fra famling til form fra 1969, den første filmdokumentasjonen av kompaniet.


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