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ICE WET: ADHD-dansen
Cesilie Kverneland (Regional Arena for Samtidsdans)
Kjøp billetter
11. februar 2024 Kl. 14:30
Sted: Bergen Dansesenter, Studio Kaien
Språk: Engelsk
Kategori: Work in progress

ADHD-dansen er under utvikling, og er planlagt som ferdig forestilling med premiere på RAS i Sandnes 2025. Med denne forestillingen forteller Cesilie sin egen historie som danser vokst opp med ADHD. Diagnosen fikk hun i voksen alder. Her tar hun oss gjennom stereotypier og myter om ADHD, ser på adferdsdiskriminering og utfordrer forestillinger om normalitet. Hun danser sammen med en Irsk setter, en hund hvis energi hun identifiserer seg med.

Mer informasjon

ADHD-dansen is a work in progress which will be a full length performance opening at RAS in 2025. With the performance Cesilie will tell her story as a dancer growing up with ADHD, which was first diagnosed in adulthood. In this project she deals with, and explores, stereotypes of ADHD. She dispels several myths that exist about ADHD, challenging the concept of normality and exploring behavioral discrimination.


Cissi the dog: the dog is her parents’ dog. She is named after her. Ever since she came to the family Cesilie has associated with her energy. She has been curious about the common feature in the temperament of the Irish Setter and her own, characterized ADHD behaviour. The dog's unpredictable behaviour is a metaphor of ADHD, which Cesilie also associate with the impulsive ideas and choice she also often take herself. The dog in the show opens to the fallible. She represents the vivid and the spontaneous that can allow you to lose your track, and give the audience the extra dimension to feel what ADHD can be. The dog will not follow the normal social rules of behavior or strict dramaturgy. The dog will create chaos.


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