Møt Raquel André


I månedsskiftet februar/mars får vi besøk av den portugisiske kunstneren Raquel André med prosjektene Collection of Lovers og Collection of Artists. I en periode på 4 år er hun en av flere europeiske kunstnere som blir støttet av det europeiske nettverket apap - performing Europe 2020. Her svarer hun på tre spørsmål som ble stilt til alle apap-kunstnerne ved innledningen av prosjektet i 2016.

15. november 2017
Av Andreas Langenes

Why do you do what you do?
I do what I do because I decided to, even if a lot times it just happened that way.
I choose what I do but on the other hand a multiplicity of events have taken me to follow the path I am in. Right now it is a personal need but also the responsibility of producing knowledge through my artistic sensitivity. I do it as a practice.

How do you work? (What are your source of inspiration and how do you work on them? You have daily practices?)
In this moment my research deals with collecting, or on how to collect in the performing arts, as a method of creation and presentation. My interest in collecting deals with memory, with the obsession of keeping the ephemeral. I’ve started to develop ways to collect people – the most impossible thing you can keep or grasp. I’m interested about the tensions between Archive and the Body. Maybe, the one thng I do more daily is collecting people.

For you, what role does the artist have in society today?
Art is most likely experience, experiencing things. So, my role as an artist is to share and produce moments of experience.


Raquel André

Raquel André (Portugal, 1986). Master in Performing Arts at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil, mentored by Eleonor Fabião and with a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foudation (2014-16). Studied Theater at Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema in Lisbon (2006-09). She worked with several Portuguese directors and artists, including Tiago Cadete (in the performances NO DigitalLast Turbolento, which toured Portugal, Brazil, Cuba and Argentina). In 2011, she interned for five months with Cia dos Atores in Rio de Janeiro. Five months became five years of working with a Brazilian accent, assisting director Bel Garcia in Conselho de Classe, Beije Minha Lápide, Matamoros, Inglaterra and Oréstia, and assisting the curator César Augusto at Galpão Gamboa Cultural Centre. She has recently completed her Master’s thesis on collectionism in the performing arts, her research is about collecting what is impossible to collect. Collection of Lovers (2015) and Collection of Collectors (2016) are her first two projects, the beginning of an ongoing obsession with collecting people. Both these works are co-produced by Teatro Nacional D.Maria II.


(Denne teksten ble først publisert på apapnet.eu)