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Workshop med Dawid Lorenc (Carte Blanche) | Dans en fest!
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27. august 2022 Kl. 11:00
Sted: Bergen Dansesenter
Kategori: Workshop
Varighet: workshop

About the class:
Class will start with floorwork exercises based on the relationship between our movement and the force of gravity. Playing with fluidity, dynamics, momentum and suspensions we will focus on developing motor coordination and orientation of the body in space. In the next stage of the class using simple movement phrases we will explore the idea of working with different types of energy and various ways of expressions. Through improvisation exercises at the end of the workshop we will explore what it means to relinquish oneself to intuition and instinct.

Dawid Lorenc
Dawid Lorenc was born in 1987 in Połczyn Zdrój, Poland.
He started dancing in the late 90s` thanks to his mother, an acrobat teacher and contemporary dance choreographer. At the age of 16 he joined Witold`s Jurewicz “Alter” Dance Theater (Alter-

Teatr Tanca Wspolczesnego) in Kalisz, Poland.

In 2006 he began studies at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. After completing the Training Cycle he worked with Ultima Vez company. In 2012 he moved back to Poland to collaborate with Jacek Owczarek, researching improvisation and process work. Dawid has been in Carte Blanche since 2016.

During Dawid`s career he has worked with many artists and has been involved in various projects in Europe. Since 2013 Dawid has been the director of contemporary dance workshops and festival “Na bosaka” in Połczyn Zdrój. He is a teacher of contemporary dance, body awareness and contact improvisation. Among his interests are nature, science and spiritualism.