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Danced work in progress
Spreafico Eckly
Kjøp billetter
26. oktober 2020 Kl. 21:00
27. oktober 2020 Kl. 21:00
Sted: Stenersen, KODE 2
Kategori: Dans

(Foto: Emma Spreafico)

Danced work in progress er et arbeid under utvikling, som danses. Det baserer seg på den livslange danseerfaringen til dansere med ulik bakgrunn. Som en visuell fenomenologi eller en nærværets fragmenterte encyklopedi, viser den mangfold i individuelle veivalg og hvordan de alle bidrar til det vi kaller samtidsdans i dag.

Det koreografiske materialet består av sitater fra dansernes profesjonelle bakgrunn i form av bevegelsesfraser på et minutt hver. Danserne begynner med å repetere sine sitater i loop, like mange ganger som det er dansere på scenen. Denne regelen vil sørge for at publikum får sett hvert sitat i sin helhet. I løp av forestillingen vil de med gjevne mellomrom kopiere hverandres bevegelsesfraser i et forsøk på samklang. Det synlige resultatet vil bli et kaos av forskjellige epoker og bakgrunner og vil tidvis komme sammen i forhandlet enighet.

Det du vil se på scenen er ikke et resultat av koreografens kreative gest. De enkle reglene overrekker koreografien til utøverne selv og deres arsenal. Det du vil få se er summen av de erfaringene og den utøvende kunnskapen til danserne i forestillingen. Det dreier seg altså om en fortolkningsbasert koreografi. Fortolkning refererer i de utøvende kunster til«spill» og i teori til «forståelse». Det du vil få se er hvordan dansernes utøvererfaring preger deres måte å lese det som skjer på scenen, og måten de fortolker den situasjonen de til enhver tid befinner seg i. 

Lydbildet er også basert eller bygget på sitater, sitater fra lyden og musikken som ble brukt i de forskjellige produksjonene som denne forestillingen bygger på. Og hver av dansernes sitater vil ha et tilsvarende lydklipp som spilles når de danser.

More information

Danced work in progress is a work in progress and it is danced. It is based on the lifelong dance experience of dancers from different backgrounds. As a visual phenomenology or a fragmented encyclopaedia of presence it shows diversity in individual paths and how they all contribute to what we call contemporary dance today.

The choreographic material is made of quotes from the dancers’ professional background in the form of one minute long phrases. The dancers will begin repeating their quotes in a loop. Each quote as many times as there are dancers on stage. This rule will guarantee that the audience will have the possibility to watch every quote in its totality. During the show they will also regularly copy each other’s phrases in an attempt of unison. The visual result will be a chaos of different times and backgrounds that will regularly merge into a negotiated agreement.

What you’ll see on stage will not be the result of a creative gesture of the choreographer. The simple rules hand the choreography over to the performers’ profiles. What you will see is the sum of the experience and performative know-how of the dancers present in the show. In this way it is an interpretation-based choreography. In performing arts interpretation refers to “play” and in theory to “understanding”. What you will see is how the performing experience of the dancers informs their way of reading what’s happening on stage and their way of interpreting the situation they find themselves in.

The soundscape is also based or built upon quotes, quotes of the sound and music used in the various productions that this project draws on, and every dancer's profile will correspond to 10 sonic quotes, which will be played accordingly.


Conception and organisation: Andrea Spreafico
Dance: Adrian Bartczak, Mirte Bogaert, Nicola Gunn, Yohei Hamada, Aslak Nygård.
Sound: Trond Lossius.
Co-production: Bit-teatergarasjen, Carte Blanche.
Supported by: Bergen Kommune.
The choreographic material comes from (and refers to) the interpreters’ memories of:
1991 Ballroom competition
1996, School show
1999, Ballroom competition
2000, Bon Dance
2005 An Unfortunate Woman, by Nicola Gunn
2005, Ballroom competition
2009, Yagi Boso by Ryohei Kondo
2009, Billy Elliot - The Musical
2009 Bordless split brain by Minako Seki
1999, Goya - Los Caprichos by Nicola Gunn
2010 At the Sans Hotel by Nicola Gunn
2010, Bacchantes by Chorea
2012, Taniguku by Toyo Matsubara
2012 Hello my name is by Nicola Gunn
2013, Relax other have it worse by Adrian Bartczak
2013, Inspite of Myself by Nicola Gunn
2013, Juyonbanmeno Tsukini Hoeru by Yohei Hamada
2014, The Light That I Feel by Yang Fudong
2014, Flutter by Yohei Hamada
2014, Inside Outside Stephen Bram's L3, E29, NGVI, by Nicola Gunn
2014, Muzg by Tomasz Rodowicz
2014, Doubts of Silence by Mirte Bogaert
2014, Only fool rush in by Stian Danielsen
2015, Blomsterskigge by Janne-Camilla Lyster
2015, Public showing from Surprise Body Workshop by Francesco Scavetta
2015, Piece for person and ghetto blaster by Nicola Gunn
2015, Roots Unrooted byJuliette Louste and Mirte Bogaert
2016, Mer Mer Mer by Nicola Gunn and Jo Lloyd.
2016, Dracula’s Pack by Juliette Louste 
2017, Muiminifureru by Yohei Hamada
2017, Bill by Sharon Eyal
2017, By Carte Blanche by Carte Blanche
2017, Heaven can’t wait by Eirik Slyngstav
2017, Body Songs by Mirte Bogaert
2017, All The Wave Was In A Flame by The Fourth Stage (Vincent Stephen)
2018, Do you see me as I see myself? by Aslak Nygård
2018, Standing still under the new moon light by Yohei Hamada
2018, Null by Marie Bergby Handeland and Morten Liene/Landslaget
2018, Jerada by Bouchra Ouizguen
2018, Put Out The Light by The Fourth Stage (Vincent Stephen)
2018, Souflette by François Chaignaud
2019, We are not going back by Mithkal Alzghair (Shadi Khries)
2019, Only Forever by Roza Moshtaghi
2019, And there is a chair by Mirte Bogaert
2020, Øy, by Ole Martin Meland.
2020, A tail Holder by Yohei Hamada
The soundscape is based on brief quotes from the work of:
Orchestra Will Glahé
Lou bega
Frank Sinatra feat. Count Basie and His Orchestra
Zam Johanson
Ori lichtik
Dakka Marachkia Baba's band
Elton John
Alarm Will Sound & Allan Pierson
Marlene Dietrich
Elvis Presley
The Fourth Stage
Shadi Kries
Gabriel Fouré
Jean Márton
Gloria Estafan & Miami Sound Machine
George Michael
Marconi Union
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Pierre Boulez
Tor Endresen
Gino Paoli