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Panflutes and Paperwork
Ingrid Berger Myhre/Lasse Passage
Kjøp billetter
31. januar 2020 Kl. 19:00
01. februar 2020 Kl. 19:00
Sted: USF Verftet
Kategori: Teater

«Når formen er på plass, kan alt inni den bli ren følelse» (Arnold Schönberg). 

Panflutes and Paperwork er en duett med to særegne utøvere i hver sin kunstform, og en lek med forskjellige måter å kople sammen dans og musikk. 

Hva betyr egentlig det «å danse til musikk» eller å lage «musikk for dans»? Koreografen Ingrid Berger Myhre og komponisten Lasse Passage eksperimenterer med bruken av partitur og notasjon for å fremheve det strukturelle og kollektive fremfor individuelle evner og talent. De har begge en upretensiøs og munter tilnærming til det å komponere, og deler hverandres underfundige humor. Tittelen i forestillingen hentyder til motsetningen mellom det «våte» og det «tørre»: Panfløytene handler om det lekne og følelsesfulle; papirarbeidet om notering og byråkrati. Forestillingen utforsker spenningene mellom disse ytterpunktene i et mesterlig samarbeid, og avslører underholdende forbindelseslinjer mellom to kunstformer. 

“It is at the same time laughable and sweet, as they try to share everything (even each other’s talent) in this small hour full of playfully performed nonsense-games.” 

Annette Embrechts, De Volkskrant 

“The playful, nerdy precision points back to the pioneers of contemporary music like John Cage and Ernst Toch and we as audience are offered a nice balance of feelgood, poetic images and musicality on a high level.” 

Frøydis Århus, Scenekunst.no 


Koreografi: Ingrid Berger Myhre og Lasse Passage. 
Musikk: Lasse Passage og Ingrid Berger Myhre.
Lys: Edwin van Steenbergen.
Veiledning: Alex Zakkas, Merel Heering.
Kostymer: Min Li.
Støttet av Norsk Kulturråd.
Co-produksjon: Dansateliers Rotterdam (NL), Black Box Teater (NO), CSC Bassano Del Grappa (IT), WP Zimmer (BE). 
Takk til P.A.R.T.S., Rimi/Imir Senter for Scenekunst, Moving Futures Festival, Fonds Podium Kunsten Nieuwe Makers Regeling.


INGRID BERGER MYHRE is a choreographer and dancer currently based in Brussels. She recently finished the Research Studio’s ‘17-18 at P.A.R.T.S. and has previously studied Modern Theatre Dance at Amsterdam School of the Arts (NL) and holds an MA in Choreography; Research and Performance from ex.e.r.ce at the Choreographic Centre in Montpellier (FR).
Language and semiotics are central elements to her artistic work. Her relativizing take on “dance” as we know it, comes together in unpretentious and humorous performances. Through subtle twists of conventions and expectations she proposes cheeky takes on how we read dance. So far she made the performances LATEST NOTES (2015, with Ann-Christin Berg Kongsness), SUPPLIES(2016), BLANKS (2017) (selected for Aerowaves Twenty’18) and PANFLUTES AND PAPERWORK (2019) (selected for Aerowaves Twenty’20), a collaboration with Lasse Passage, which is currently touring internationally. She has also made commissions for Amsterdamse hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Oslo National Academy of the Arts and Conny Janssen Danst’s talent development initiative Danslokaal, which toured major venues throughout the Netherlands in 2018. In her new performance IN OTHER WORDS (2020), she continues her play with the capacities and shortcomings of language - using it as a scaffold for dance as poetic expression.
Myhre is associated choreographer at Dansateliers Rotterdam, the house co-producing her works since 2014. She participated in several scholarship programmes, amongst others Danceweb at ImpulsTanz in Vienna (2010) and Feldstârke International in PACT (DE), Kyoto Arts Centre (JP) and Montevideo Marseille (FR) (2014). She received Arts Council Norway’s Artists Working Grant for the period of 2016-2017 and is currently supported by the Dutch Performing Arts Fund’s Nieuwe Makers Regeling, a two-year development support for young artists from 2019 - 2020.
Lasse Passage: 
Composer and recording artist Lasse Passage started studying composition at Griegakademiet in Bergen and went on to complete a BA in Sonology from the Royal Conservatiore in The Hague. 
His compositional work is coloured by the electroacoustics and the rhythmical music but take shape through different mediums and expressions; acousmatic pieces, consept-based, sound installations, lo-fi electronics and alternative pop-music. This versatile approach has also brought him to be a frequent collaborator in the independed scene of dance and theater.
Commissions in the recent years include a.o. percussion ensemble SISU, chamber group Alpaca, solo works for Kristine Tjøgersen and Ole-Martin Hauser and the acousmatic piece “Hei!” which was selected for the New York Electroacoustic Music Festival in 2017. As a songwriter, his previous record “Stop Making Sense and Start Making Success” is being followed up in 2019 with the release of a new album titeled "Sunwards".