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UTSATT! Should I do the man's part
Ernestyna Orlowska & Daniel Klingen Borg
Kjøp billetter
19. mars 2022 Kl. 19:00
20. mars 2022 Kl. 19:00
Sted: USF Verftet
Kategori: Teater

(foto: Viviane Stucki)

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Hun er 1,88 meter høy. Han 1,65. I dette stykket leter den Bern-baserte kunstneren Ernestyna Orlowska og den norske utøveren og tidligere sirkusartisten Daniel Klingen Borg etter et fysisk uttrykk, løst fra tilbakevendende konvensjoner og tilsynelatende klare kjønnsroller. En humoristisk og sårbar danseduo uten ord for en lang kvinne og en kort mann.


Concept / Performance: Ernestyna Orlowska, Daniel Klingen Borg. Stage / Costumes:

Ernestyna Orlowska, Viviane Stucki. Outside Eye Choreography: Magnus Myhr, Jessica

Huber, Gregory Stauffer. Outside Eye Dramaturgy: Sivan Perlstein, Emily Magorrian.

Composition / Music: Samuel Savenberg. Light Design / Technician: Demian Jakob.

Illustration / Graphic Design: Ernestyna Orlowska. Photos: Yoshiko Kusano, Vivianne Stucki.

Video: Jost Nyffeler. Trailer: Daniel Klingen Borg. Production: Permanent Workation.

Production Management: Boss & Röhrenbach. Co-production: Schlachthaus Theater Bern,

Black Box teater Oslo, BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen.


Ernestyna Orlowska

Born in 1987 in Poland, lives and works in Berne. She graduated from Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB with a Bachelor in Fine Arts and a Master in Expanded Theater. Her works function at the intersection of installation, theater and performance. In 2016, she won the competition for “Kunst am Bau” of the City of Berne and her project "Magic Almod" was realized on the Allmend in Berne in 2017. In 2017, she won the jury and audience award at Arena Festival Erlangen for her performance "Wishing Well". In 2018, Orlowska was in the final of the Swiss theater and dance young talent award PREMIO and won the first prize with "BODIY", which then toured all over Switzerland.


Daniel Klingen Borg

Born in 1987, lives in Oslo. From 2006-08 Klingen Borg studied circus at AFUK in Copenhagen. He holds a master's degree in Physical Theatre from Accademia Teatro Dimitri (CH). Klingen Borg grew up in the street theater group Stella Polaris, founded by his parents in 1987. In 2010 he founded the circus company Zirk Mir and went on a sailing tour from Greece to the Dominican Republic for 2 years. After his second master's degree at Hochschule der Künste Bern HKB, he worked as a performer with Ann Liv Young and Mellanmjölk Productions, among others, and in 2016 he performed in Ernestyna Orlowska's performance "Fruits". Currently, Klingen Borg is studying documentary film directing at Oslo Metropolitan University.

