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Workshop with Ernestyna Orlowska & Daniel Klingen Borg
Få gratisbillett
18. mars 2023 Kl. 11:00
Sted: Bergen Dansesenter
Kategori: Workshop
Varighet: 2 timer

Daniel Klingen Borg and Ernestyna Orlowska are sharing some creation techniques from their duet "Should I Do the Man's Part", a choreography for a tall woman and a small man. For the creation of that piece, they used their bodies as indifferent sculptural material to create various ways of holding and supporting each other and transferred those constellations into a way of moving through space together in a playful way. Through a dance vocabulary taken from everyday life movements, some of the scores and improvisations from the creation process of this duet will be explored together in the workshop.  All movement abilities are very welcome!

Ernestyna Maria Orlowska has a Bachelor in Fine Arts and a Master in Expanded Theater from the Berne University of Arts, where she currently lives and works. Her artistic practice takes place at the intersection of visual art, choreography and performance and her primary interest is the human body in its various areas of conflict. In her work, norms and ideals are questioned and the automatisms of seeing and classifying are destabilized, attribution and categorization are undermined. She is driven by the question of how we can create resonant world-relationships with everything that exists, be it human or non-human. Her works are shown in galleries, independent art spaces, museums as well as theaters and festivals
such as Instituto Svizzero Milano, Helmhaus Zurich, Bone Performance Festival Berne, Schlachthaus Theater Berne, Südpol Lucerne, Dampfzentrale Berne, Les Urbaines Lausanne, Buzz Cut Festival Glasgow, Theaterspektakel Zürich, Transeuropa Festival Hildesheim, Kunsthalle Basel, Ming Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai,
Studio Galeria Warsaw, etc.


Daniel Klingen Borg (born in 1987) is a Norwegian director, performer and filmmaker.
He works internationally with artists from across Europe and from the USA such as Ann Liv Young (US), Ernestyna Orlowska (CH) and the Nordic artist collective Mellanmjölk Productions (FI, SE, NO). He recently started up the Norwegian film production company Morild Film AS together with the directors Linn Helene Løken, Anika Salvesen and Kari Nøst Hegseth.
 Daniel has performed in venues such as New York Live Arts (US), Black Box Teater (NO), Kampnagel (DE), Arsenic (CH) and Gessnerallee (CH) among others. His latest short documentary, Pain Solution, was published at VGTV. He completed his circus training at the AFUK in Copenhagen and has a Master in Theatre from the Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Ticino Switzerland. He recently completed a degree in documentary film directing at Oslo Metropolitan University.


The workshop is free and open to dance and theater artists, and also  others interested in work on movements. Students on dance, theater or  performance may sign up at TicketCo.

Made in cooperation with Bergen Dansesenter - regionalt kompetansesenter for dans and supported by PRODA Vestland.