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Karmaklubb* 'Thought and pleasure' sessions: On queer club spheres and activism - Monday night mingle
Få gratisbillett
23. oktober 2023 Kl. 20:30
Sted: Visningsrommet USF
Kategori: Fest
Varighet: 3 timer 30 minutter

En fortsettelse av arrangementet tildligere på dagen. Se Feminist School: Karmaklubb* - ‘Thought and pleasure’ sessions: On queer club spheres and activism. Det er ennå uklart hva som kommer til å skje på denne minglingen, men det blir festlig, og vi oppdaterer så snart vi vet mer. 

Karmaklubb* er med på flere arrangementer under Meteor.

For several years, Eloisa Blitzer have been establishing and organising initiatives creating and supporting visibility of queer and FLINT* people (femxle, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans) in an international context. One example is the Barcelona-based MARICAS — becoming one of the world’s largest cultural platforms for queer club events — and recently SENTIMENTAL, a booking and management agency. Get to know Blitzer better during this evening at USF during their conversation with Tora Söderström Gaden, one of the key forces of locals Konsept X, a non-profit feminist music and culture collective.

Welcome to a day of thought and pleasure in two chapters: ‘(Queer) activism — organising, hosting, creating visibility, and practicing queerness within club/art spheres and public spaces — Pt. 2: Eloisa Blitzer (MARICAS/SENTIMENTAL) in conversation with Tora S. Gaden’

Moderator: Tine Semb (Karmaklubb*). Including a ↗︎ Bergen text launch of a text written by Gaden and MARICAS for Karmaklubb*/IGWTLI publishing during the pandemic, this time on paper. Warm mingle and DJing by Tora G (Konsept X) till sometime around midnight. 

Further reading: For this edition of METEOR, Karmaklubb* have inviting a group of artists, organisers, academic and activist voices to contribute to a series of presentations and open conversations during the festival. We consider this as part of an ongoing research practice — a concept going back to the early Karmaklubb* in 2018. As we love when good things can thrive and develop, this means some of the individuals you’ll be able to get to know better, have been collaborators for years and part of several projects — talks, events, listening pieces, or written encounters — nationally as well as abroad. We hope these meetings will lay the grounds for future conversations. By intention we’ve focused strongly on practitioners within the vital local scene to presents their important work to an international audience. 

The conversation will be held in English and be open for questions. We allow for breaks as well as come-and-go. ↗︎ (Although we recommend the whole lot of beauties!!!). Times (approximate): 20:30–23:45