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Residency Saga Sigurðardóttir
Kjøp billetter
04. november 2020 Kl. 12:00
05. november 2020 Kl. 00:00
06. november 2020 Kl. 00:00
07. november 2020 Kl. 00:00
08. november 2020 Kl. 00:00
Sted: KOLSSTADIR, Island
Kategori: Work in progress

Saga Sigurðardóttir is a Reykjavik-based choreographer with a multi-disciplinary interest and resumé. Currently she is active with theatre/art collectives Marble Crowd, 16 lovers and The PPBB, and holds a postition as docent in Performing Arts at the Iceland University of the Arts.

With a crowd of collaborators (members of The PPBB and guests) Saga is developing a new multi-arts project: _CLUB TENDER_


Club Tender is planned to open in Reykjavik in summer 2021. It will be a partly immersive alternative club-experience, involving audience to the concept of _soft_ clubbing.

During a week-residency with BIT Teatergarasjen Saga and her collaborators will enjoy continued research and creative time for this project.


Companions for the making and execution of this tender club, are plants. We look to plants as existential examples for us to gain a perspective to our own psychological and somatic issues; experience of self, intimacy and expression. With Club Tender we want to offer participants a new experience of a wild night out; to embody a _plant soul_ for a night and possibly live a life-changing event of fantasy, social sexuality and bliss.

In the residency, the gang will focus on body work (plant-fascia informed body practice) and musical experimentation.

The residency is part of the Nordic Residency Exchange Programme.

In the Nordic Residency Exchange Programme, five major performing arts houses in the northern Europe collaborate to exchange artists once a year. Each house sends out a local artist to a partner and receives an artist from one of the other partners (from either Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland or Iceland). These residencies are selected by the partners and can not be applied for.

The Nordic Residency Exchange Programme is funded by the Nordic Culture Point and the Nordic Culture Fund and is supported by Bora Bora Residency Centre, BIT Teatergarasjen, MDT Stockholm, Reykjavik Dance Festival and Zodiak.