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prøverommet på Nye Bokboden
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Sted: Nye Bokboden
Språk: NA
Kategori: Multikunstnerisk Begivenhet
Varighet: 2 timer

For this event, prøverommet teams up with the artist-run gallery Nye Bokboden* to present an exhibition and performance event combining the work of two visual artists and one dance collective: Simen Skaarup, Simone Jarvis and ImproLaBergen. Whether through virtual reality, paint or dance, each of them plays with intuition and movement in real and imaginary spaces. You can read more about artists and their projects below.

Drop by between 19:00-21:00 for the exhibition and be on time at 19:00 and 20:00 for the performances from ImproLabBergen. 

No need to book tickets, this event is free!

ImproLaBergen is a collective of 16 dance artists from the performing arts field in Bergen and Vestland. The goal of the Lab is to share artistic practices in a playful and open forum. Ine Terese Hogstad (chair) and Malin Nøss Vangsnes (deputy chair) ensure that the administrative work is done and facilitate various productions. Apart from this, all members share artistic responsibility, i.e. every member can take the initiative to lead different projects. In the Lab, regular workshops are held for and with each other where different choreographic ideas are tested using improvisation as a tool. In addition to regular workshops, the Lab has also participated in major events such as Dansens Dager, Bergen Fringe Festival, Sonisk Selskap på Wrap and Oktoberdans 2020 under the program #Dans, en Fest! The Lab received an establishment grant 2021 from Bergen Kommune, and Bergen Dansesenter is an important supporter which contributes a free studio.

Simen Skaarup presents 'Artificial Integrity', a virtual reality retrospective showcasing digital art made over the course of his art career. It includes art made using several different methods including digital collage, artificial intelligence, 3d modeling and renders."I work fast and intuitive and let my art be a consequence of the decisions I’ve made. This allows me to bring out a raw impulsivity in my works."

Simone Jarvis is an artist who works with painting and sculpture. She explores paintings' capacity for conjuring spatial depth, movement, and light, playing with painting’s ability to simultaneously be a body, a picture, and have atmospheric qualities. " Analyzing the use of color in my work led me to the way I began to perceive color as a child. There is a term now more widely known called Synesthesia. It is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway - essentially, when one sense appears through another. The kind of synesthesia I have, ascribes personhood, character, feminine, and masculine qualities to color. I have always seen colors like I see people; attributing human qualities and characteristics such as kindness, vanity, ego, shyness, wisdom, and cruelty to colors... How the brushstroke moves across the ground uses the same logic as a dancer across a stage - What are they dancing with or around? What changes the performer's movement or contributes to its choreography across the stage?" 

"Nye Bokboden is an artist run gallery space, run by Maria Victoria Høvring Høeg and Guttorm Glomsås, located at Strømgaten 1 in Bergen. Our vision is to give newly graduated and newly established artists possibilities of showing their work."

Any questions? Email Laurie (at) bit-teatergarasjen (dot) no.  

Images left to right: 1: Simen Skaarup, 2-5: ImproLaBergen, 6+7+ background image: Simone Jarvis, 8: Nye Bokboden as seen from Marken