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Mystery Box Bingo : Saved in every way a person can be saved
Kjøp billetter
15. august 2018 Kl. 20:00
Sted: Ingensteds
Kategori: Multikunstnerisk Begivenhet
Varighet: 20:00 - 01:00

We are leaving Thursday 16th August spending the day, evening and night making and showing artworks. Before we are leaving Oslo we invite you to a Bingo Show hosted by Arash and Vilde at Ingensteds, Wednesday 15th August. Contributions from the rest of the artists might appear on this lovely evening in Oslo, where we are opening and celebrating the trip we are about to embark on. Håkon Hoffart will make us dance out in the night!

Hello guys it's me. How are you? I'm doing well, thank you. Handed in my master's thesis and finally have a job, so don't lose hope because one day these things will happen for you too. Maybe they have already happened for you. In that case I look forward to reading your master's thesis lol.

Ok so please come to this bingo that I'm doing at Ingensteds in Oslo...it's really important for my self-esteem that you are there. "In Oslo...?" I hear you think…"who's this guy and what has he done to Arash?" Yes. It is time that I leave the safety of Bergen where everybody loves me and host a bingo in Oslo where people maybe hate me, or think I'm ok, or also love me, I don't know. But I am willing to find out.

I'm going to let a new life happen to me ♥

Yes! Gone is the mopey Arash who's always like 'pain is your best teacher'. I am confident and full of life now, ready to play a fun game with you guys, whom I have always loved and appreciated and dressed up as. I walk around on the streets with my arms raised in the air because I read somewhere that is how assertive people walk. And yes. I read! It's one of those other new things I do.

I'm doing this bingo as part of a project that my friends Hedvig and Kristina are organizing, that involves Danskebåten and has some long-ass title that I won't write here in this text, hehehehehe. You've probably seen it already. Also I finally met Vilde Tuv some weeks ago and she IS GOING TO DO THE MUSIC. We hang out. I think she likes me ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Also if you feel like reciting a poem, doing a dramatic monologue, presenting your merchandise or something else, please let me know and I can give the stage to you temporarily. 

Guys, ok, this bingo is going to be fun. I will play two games, maybe three...I have to see what the energy is like...I'm taking this one step at a time. And there will be fun prizes. There won't be a lot of pens though, so bring one. I will explain the rules when you get there, don't worry. DON'T WORRY! The bingo is not so much about rules anyway but more about coming home. Coming home to a space where you can be unlucky in the game, unlucky in life and unlucky in love, but I will still be there to save you in every way a person can be saved.

Love you guys!


(20,- a game and I take vipps and cash, thank you PLEASE COME)