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Prøverommet at Galleri Kronborg
Kjøp billetter
Sted: Galleri Kronborg
Språk: English / Norwegian
Kategori: Multikunstnerisk Begivenhet
Varighet: 2 hours not including hike

We invite you on a journey up the mountain to Galleri Kronborg, a stone ruin in the city's mountains near Rundemanen. 

We meet at Bjørnebu hut near the top of Fløyen at 18:00 (LINK TO  BJØRNEBU ON GOOGLE MAP), where Yasuyo Tatebe & Rikki Winde will perform a special tea ceremony. Afterwards, we will hike to Galleri Kronborg together, which takes approximately 45 minute. At Galleri Kronborg, you will find the installation interventions of conceptual artist Ji Jia plus a first time collaboration combining dance, textiles and music: 

Augustė Zukaitė's textile work will become alive with the help of the improvised dance collective, ImproLaBergen, while Emily Adomah's beautiful voice enriches the atmosphere. Afterwards, Emily Adomah will also perform her solo music.



There are no facilities at Galleri Kronborg such as toilets, electricity or refreshments. The last available faciltities are at the top of Fløyen. This event involves moderate hiking on the mountain. Please be prepared with suitable warm clothes, water and snacks. 

If you plan to take the funicular on your journey to the meeting point, read more about tickets and times here: https://www.floyen.no/floibanen/apningstider/. We recommend you to catch the17:15 or 17:30 to arrive in time. To avoid queuing twice, download the app to buy tickets beforehand. 

More about the artists and their work:

Augustė Zukaitė is a textile artist and costume designer traveling from Lithuania. Her works are inspired by forms you can find in nature, recreating them as if they were frozen in time. Auguste's work is minimalist, focusing on function as well as form while avoiding elements that interfere with comfort and usability. She strives to create pieces that are simple but definitely not simplistic, easy to decode, and unburdened by unnecessary complexity.

During this event, Auguste will present her latest work "The Variable." Its construction and inspiration come from organic forms - mushrooms, flowers, and their interrelationships, reflecting on our own human communities. 

In collaboration with the dance collective, ImproLaBergen Auguste aims to break free from the frame of exhibitionary work by creating a synthesis between visual art and movement.

Emily Adomah has completed a 4-year bachelor's degree in classical performance singing at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo. During her studies she was fascinated by the art of improvisation, which she uses a lot when composing her own pieces. Musically, long lines and beautiful harmonies are central, and she likes to work on small musical themes for longer stretches. Lyricly, she is inspired by the great themes such as love, death, the soul and the universe. During the event you will hear some of Emily's songs as well as her improvisation during dance performance. 

ImproLaBergen is a collective of 16 dance artists from the performing arts field in Bergen and Vestland. The goal of the Lab is to share artistic practices in a playful and open forum. Ine Terese Hogstad (chair) and Malin Nøss Vangsnes (deputy chair) ensure that the administrative work is done and facilitate various productions. Apart from this, all members share artistic responsibility, i.e. every member can take the initiative to lead different projects. In the Lab, regular workshops are held for and with each other where different choreographic ideas are tested using improvisation as a tool. In addition to regular workshops, the Lab has also participated in major events such as Dansens Dager, Bergen Fringe Festival, Sonisk Selskap: Wrap and Oktoberdans 2020 under the program #Dans, en Fest!

The Lab received an establishment grant 2021 from Bergen Kommune, and Bergen Dansesenter is an important supporter.

The conceptual-based practice of Ji Jia involves site-specific installation, performance, and video. She uses her own body and ready-made daily life materials to intervene in space and architecture. Through the construction of subtle interventions, she breaks the audience's habitual cognition and alters the existing environment. She uses black comedy as her aesthetic basis, putting the audience in familiar yet exceptional situations, thus triggering thinking, criticism, and questions. And trying to break institutional boundaries.

Yasuyo Tatebe (Japan) & Rikki Winde will host you with Matcha in the handcrafted tea cups at the "tea house" at the start of our journey.

Host and guest are connected by a cup of tea.

Ichi-go-ichi-e is a living philosophy and reminds people how simple life could be.

 We will together embrace the "momentum", thank you for being you and celebration for sharing time.


Galleri Kronborg is a conceptual art gallery located two hundred meters south of the mountain peak Rundemanen in Bergen. The gallery has been in operation since 2009 under various initatoris. Currently gallery Kronborg is run by Tia Casper, Louise Butler, Lorie Ballage, Malin Nyheim Overholth and Oda Tungodden.


This event has been conceived in collaboration with Galleri Kronborg whom we would like to thank for the closing event of a fabulous season. We would also like to thank Bergen Dansesenter for lending us their studio and equipment. Support for Prøverommet 2022 comes from Bergen kommune, BIT Teatergarasjen and Vestland fylkeskommune.


Participants from ImproLabergen:

Ine Terese Hogstad

Malin Nøss Vangsnes

Katja Nyquist

Ewa Lorenc

Photos from ImproLabergen

1: Prøverommet: Nye Bokboden. Photo by Terkel Eikemo

2: Werkleben. Photo by Brita Grov

3. Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek. Photo by BDS