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Prague Quadrennial and the Expanded Scenography – Foredrag med Sodja Lotker
Kjøp billetter
13. november 2015 Kl. 12:15
Sted: Chagall
Kategori: Foredrag
Varighet: 12.15-14.00

Arrangementet er gratis

I anledning vår minifestival Tsjekk it out inviterer vi til et foredrag med Sodja Lotker,  som vil presentere Praha-Quadrennialen med vekt på scene- og visuell kunst.

The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space event has gone through significant transformation since the late 1990´. These changes included expanding the idea of what a scenographic exhibition is as well as exploring new strategies of curation of such exhibitions. The outcome is an inclusion of live element, process and experiment into previously mainly static exhibitions. More importantly PQ followed the rapid changes in the field of theatre and scenography of the last decades, marked by change of place where scenography takes place (built, found and virtual environments), shift of role of scenographer within the creative team, as well as shift of understanding what scenographic project itself is (to include variety of performance design disciplines, genres and projects).

Through presenting some of the special projects of the last Quadrennials (The Heart of PQ (2003), Intersection (2011), Tribes (2015) and exploring the curatorial strategies behind them, Sodja Lotker will talk about the shift from “aesthetic” vision of this scenographic exhibition where “quality is guaranteed” to “ethical” vision that provides space for inclusion, process, experiment, failing, difference, success, de-hierarchization and impossibility.

Sodja Zupanc Lotker is Artistic Director of the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space. She has worked for this performance design event since 1999, where she made numerous live scenography exhibitions and events. She also works as a dramaturg for independent theatre, dance, media and site specific project, working often in unusual spaces s in Czech Republic, USA, Brazil etc., for instance with CIA Dani Lima, Lotte van den Berg, Farm in the Cave, Cristina Maldonado as well as Lhotakova/Soukup dance company. She has been teaching and giving lectures at Visual Arts Academy in Brno, Prague Performing Arts Academy, Columbia University, Yale and Central School of Speech and Drama and a number of festivals and symposia.