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Den kreative produsenten - The DEN: Produsentseminarer 2020
Kjøp billetter
25. oktober 2020 Kl. 10:00
Sted: Visningsrommet USF
Kategori: Seminar
Varighet: 10:00-15:00

The Den - Dance Expo Norway - nettverksmøte og workshop for og om den kreative produsenten

I løpet av det siste tiåret har vi sett en enorm utvikling innen produsentrollen. Nye muligheter innen digital kommunikasjon, andre nettverksformer og ulike finansieringsmodeller er alle faktorer som fører til nye måter å produsere scenekunst på. Vi opplever et stadig større behov i det frie scenekunstfeltet for produsenter som har en kunstnerisk affinitet, som er kritisk reflekterende og som på mange måter inntar en relasjon til kunstverket som tidligere har vært tilegnet dramaturger. En evne til å tenke og arbeide utover eksisterende strukturer og fagområder blir sett på som en styrke, og knyttes gjerne til et humanistisk eller aktivistisk verdisyn, med sterkt fokus på innovasjon, bærekraft og samfunnsrelevans. 


I anledning Oktoberdans 2020 har vi gleden av å kunne invitere til et heldagsseminar om den kreative produsenten som en del av The Den: Produsentseminarer 2020 - Dance Expo Norway.




Gwenoële Trapman, leder av den kreative produsentutdanningen ved Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten / Amsterdam University of the Arts


Magnus Nordberg, daglig leder og produsent - Nordberg Movement, Stockholm


Millan Persdotter Persson, daglig leder for Proscen, en kompetanse-, interesse- og nettverksorganisasjon for det profesjonelle scenekunstfeltet på Vestlandet


Nefeli Myrodia, kreativ produsent og programdramaturg, Onassis AiR: Artistic Research & (Inter)national Residency Program, Athen


Deltakeravgift: 150,- NOK inkl. felleslunsj 


Samarbeidspartnere i the Den er: CODA Oslo International Dance Festival, Black Box teater, Bærum Kulturhus, Dansens Hus, Den Norske Opera & Ballett, Performing Arts Hub Norway, Oktoberdans, Ravnedans, DanseFestival Barents, Kortreist Dansefestival, Multiplié Dansefestival, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo og Stockholms Dramatiska Högskola.


Millan Persdotter Persson, general manager of Proscen, a competence, interest and network organization for the professional performing arts field in Western Norway.

Nefeli Myrodia works as cultural producer for the development of projects with a focus on contemporary performance and visual arts. She is currently the Creative Producer and Program Dramaturge of Onassis AiR, the new artistic research and residency program of the Onassis Foundation, founded in 2018 in Athens, Greece. She has studied International and European Economics and continued with Master’s degrees in International Political Economy and in Digital Arts at the Athens School of Fine Arts. Previously, she has worked as producer of the swiss artist-in-residence program Sound Development City(2015) and of the interdisciplinary festival Culturescapes 2017. She was program coordinator and production manager of the Athens Biennale(2015-16) and the international relations coordinator of the artistic program of Kalamata:21 ECoC Candidacy Office. In 2017-18 she was the side events director and curator of the performance platform of Hellas Filmbox Berlin. Her earlier professional experience was in theater, where she has worked since 2010 in dramaturgy, production, research and director’s assistance for international productions(in collaboration with Rimini Protokoll, Poka-Yio, Armin Kerber, Michael Marmarinos, Stathis Livathinos and others).
Gwenoële Trapman  is artistic director of the master'DAS Creative Producing- Entrepreneurship in the Arts' of the Academy for Theatre and Dance(ATD) at the Amsterdam University of the Arts. She is also working on a PhD on entrepreneurship in the arts at the School of Business and Economics, of the VU Amsterdam. Since 2011 she has been researching different forms of cultural entrepreneurship in Europe and the US for the ATD, organizing various symposia on the subject. The master DAS Creative Producing is the result of this research. From 2001 to 2018 she was staff teacher and artistic director of the Production and Stage Management course at the ATD. From 2004-2014 she studied Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Amsterdam; in her master thesis she investigated the legal assessment of the criteria'cultural entrepreneurship' in subsidy procedures. Previously she worked as an independent producer of various theater and music theater performances. 
Nordberg Movement(NM) is a development office for dance and choreography in Stockholm, Sweden, led by Magnus Nordberg. From within the frames of NM artistic development, representation, project development/ management, fundraising, distribution, administrative/financial management and touring management takes place. From time to time consulting and development with venues, organisations and other players in the field of choreography occurs. NM currently works with Andersson Dance, Björn Säfsten/Säfsten Produktion, Stina Nyberg, Shake it Collaborations, Zoë Poluch and BamBam Frost, amongst others. Magnus Nordberg is an independent producer, agent, manager and facilitator in the field of performing arts with focus on movement-based work. He has through NM developed a number of collaborative projects such as a co-production model for Dancenet Sweden and the project Body of Curiosity for Säfsten Produktion with producer Lene Bang, focusing on dissemination and exploration of work for young audiences. He is also one of the founders of the ongoing project CAMP - Creative Agent Manager Producer together with Adrien Bussy, Compagnie Flak, Montreal(CA) / Lene Bang Henningsen, Lene Bang ORG.(DK) and Line Rousseau, A Propic(NL). An ongoing collaboration with independent producer Meredith Boggia(US) and the“In the works” series in New York has in the last years resulted in January showings of US and Sweden-based choreographers at different venues in New York. Nordberg Movement was founded in 2011. Previously Magnus Nordberg worked as a producer at Loco Motion from 2005-2011.