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ASTERISK x Prøverommet at Østre
Kjøp billetter
Sted: Østre
Språk: Engelsk
Kategori: Multikunstnerisk Begivenhet
Varighet: 4 timer

Dark Materials: Leather and Latex Party!

There's a hunk in town called Magic dyke who's ready to make this cold night a hot one. Looking to bring your dominatrix girl boss attitude? Fear no more, our babe Alicia Rosaria has the tunes covered. 

New addition to the programme: suspended sculptures by Clea Filippa, using chopped wire found in a scrap container, corrosion, latex...

Pay what you can! The money will be split between the ones who wear their new leather and latex workshop creations*. It's not an obligation; please come in whatever you feel comfortable in!

*Say whaaaat? Dark Materials: Leather and Latex Workshop, led by Derek Sargent and Aimless Gallery, is happening in the same week. Read more about it HERE

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More about the artists and organisers...

Magic dyke is here to put the toxic masc in masculinity. Hold onto your girlfriend, because they might find themselves fancying this alpha male nearly as much as he fancies himself. But don’t be fooled, Magic Dyke’s not like other guys - underneath you’ll find a hidden side...

Unbound by limitations Alicia Rosaria (Konsept-X) is always searching for connection via an eclectic sound not limited by genres.  Vocals and driving bass crossing between melodic and hard - her goal is to make you sweat, smile and shake it all night long. She is a regular at events like Editing Room at Landmark, and has played Hot! Festival, Kincken, Techno Thursdays, Asterisk, Klubb Kjemi...

For tonight’s Leather x Latex party at Østre, Clea Filippa’s amalgam sculptures will gather among us in the space. Webs of copper threads - extracted from cables, chopped wire found in a scrap container, corrosion, latex, suspension is dispersed among us in dialogue with tunes and human bodies sweating, chilling, dancing, flexing, sounding. Clea plays with dynamic encounters, qualities, and potentiality that arise out of non/-human intra-action through sculptural elements and performative activations. Circulating the ambiguous concept of wonder/ing as vehicle for affective relation with a world. She’s currently doing her BA at the art academy in Bergen. 

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ASTERISK is a Bergen-based queer multidisciplinary platform founded by artist Kaeto Sweeney in 2020.

Celebrating our talented local and international queer artists and performers, it is an alternative production house and event series with the aim to create safer spaces for queer and transgender people within institutions and public spaces. ASTERISK showcases interdisciplinary artistic work, such as performance and visual art, film, concerts and everything in between. ASTERISK is supported by Bergen kommune and Kulturdirektoratet.  kaetosweeney.com

Prøverommet is a space to try out new artistic material in front of an audience, using any medium: visual, digital, dance, theatre, poetry, music … yes, anything! It has been running as part of BIT Teatergarasjen for 25 years, popping up at different venues throughout the seasons with 10 events per year. So far it has presented 2306 projects by individuals and groups. 

Prøverommet operates a continuous open call policy. All who wish to present in the upcoming seasons are welcome to get in touch. Prøverommet 2023 is supported by Bergen kommune and Vestland fylkeskommune. proverommet.no

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Image credits:
1. Magic dyke (courtesy of the artist)
2. Alicia Rosaria (ASTERISK / Kaeto Sweeney, 2022)
3. Sculpture by Clea Filippa (courtesy of the artist)
4. ASTERISK at Bergen Kjøtt (ASTERISK / Kaeto Sweeney 2022)
5. Example of Aimless Gallery latex wear
6. Derek Sargent (Lovers Are Losers, 2023)
7. Sculpture by Clea Filippa (photo by Matilda Madaj-Solberg)
8. Example of Aimless Gallery latex wear