We welcome you!
BIT aims to be an institution that is open, accessible and including, and we strive for diversity in our performances and events, among our artists, staff as well as in our audience.
BIT aims to be an institution that is open, accessible and including, and we strive for diversity in our performances and events, among our artists, staff as well as in our audience.
If any information is missing, please let us know so we can answer you and update these pages as well. We invite people who use wheelchairs or those with specific access requirements to contact us in advance for the best possible accommodation.
In case you have specific access requirements, feedback or questions, please contact our accessibility coordinator
Jay van der Vlist in advance. All questions are welcome!
Send an email to or call our office on +47 55 23 22 35.
We aim to provide an environment free from any form of harassment or discrimination. If you experience any unwanted behavior or feel unsafe at our events, we encourage you to report your experience to us.
You can report to a member of our staff at work or contact our Managing Director Tine Rude at or call us at +47 55 23 22 35. We promise to handle the situation in a discreet and considerate manner.
If you are planning to come with a companion or personal assistant, we offer a free ticket for them. Please sent a request for companion ticket to A valid companion certificate must be brought along and presented at request at the ticketing at the door.
On request we can reserve you a seat that fits you best. Please contact our accessibility coordinator and we will do our best to accommodate you.
We at BIT Teatergarasjen are pleased that our audience consists of diverse people; individuals with different experiences and corresponding unique needs. Some of our visitors enjoy being surprised, shocked, and challenged, while others may wish to avoid certain content. We invite anyone who wants to know more about one of our events, regardless of what or why, to contact Jay at or by calling +47 55 23 22 35.
We have developed a filtering function for our programme calendar. It allows you to easily find out which shows are accessible to you by selecting different accessibility filters. The programme list will then be updated and show only those performances which correspond with the selected accessibility label(s). These accessibility filters will also be reflected on the pages of our events.
Our programme features many international as well as Norwegian artist and works. You might like to know what languages will be used during one of our events. In our programme, you can choose the following language filters:
Here are a few examples to illustrate how we use the language filters:
– An artist talk that takes place in Norwegian will be labelled with ‘With Norwegian text/speech’.
– A dance performance without any text will be labelled as ’Non-verbal’.
– A Portuguese theatre performance with spoken Portuguese but with English captioning (sub or surtitles) will be labelled as ‘With English text/speech’
– A show in Norwegian with English captioning will be labelled with both ‘With Norwegian text/speech’ and ‘With English text/speech’.
Please note that some shows that are labelled as ‘Non-verbal’ might sometimes include a very limited amount of text. In addition, it sometimes occurs that short works presented during Prøverommet make use of different languages and therefore the event could be labelled with both ‘With Norwegian text/speech’ and ‘With English text/speech’ without the works being translated or captioned.
For audiences with photosensitive epilepsy or similar conditions, it is possible to filter out events that feature strobe lights or similar rapidly flashing lights.
For audiences with Asthma, allergies or other chemical sensitivities, it is possible to filter out events that feature stage smoke or (synthetic) scents (including incense, essential oils, etc) on stage. In case you would like to know more about the exact smoke or scent, please get in touch.
Please note that this category does not include food scents or food allergies, and we do not have control over our audience’s use of scents (perfume, deodorants, etc).
Some audience might want to avoid being in complete darkness or would like to be informed about it upfront. That is why it is possible to filter the programme for shows without blackouts.
Most of our events are accessible for people who make use of wheelchairs or other mobility devices. However, it sometimes occurs that a venue or a performance space is not accessible to people with wheelchairs or that certain event features or scenography elements obstruct access or participation of an event.
Please consult the venue section on our website to find detailed information regarding the accessibility and facilities of our venues.
Our event formats vary from ‘regular’ audience seating and standing concerts, to more ‘active’ formats such as dance workshops or performative walks. In case of standing events we aim to have seating options available upon request.
We use the seating filters in the following way:
– If at all times audiences can sit on a chair (including when we can provide chairs upon request), we use ‘Seated’.
– If some parts of an event require standing/movement or sitting is only possible on the floor, then we would label the event as ‘Not seated’.
Sometimes not all accessibility information is known at the time we launch our events, for instance because a work is still in production. When this is the case, we will add the ‘More information forthcoming’ label.
In some rare occasions, we will add the ‘(partly) Unknown’ label to an event. In that case, we cannot be certain about some of the accessibility features of the event. This mostly applies to when one of our events is part of a larger programme or if it takes place at multiple or outdoor locations.
Are you missing any filters or do you have a good suggestion for a filter we can try to implement? Please let us know!