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Workshop Until with Heine Avdal/fieldworks




Tilgjengelighet No blackout No blackout No stage smoke or scents No strobe lights Not accessible with wheelchair Not seated With English text/speech

In connection with the performance until, Heine Avdal will share some of the working methods explored by the group in the process leading up to the performance. The concept of “unfolding and folding in” has been central to their work, where they have investigated both the spatial conditions and how bodies are positioned in the space.

With this as a starting point, you are invited to a workshop as a collective process where we can reflect together—both as a group and as individuals. Participants are encouraged to engage in both verbal and non-verbal dialogues with each other to explore and share experiences.

The workshop is in collaboration with PRODA Vestland and Bergen Dansesenter – competence center for dance in Vestland.
