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Workshop: Unfinished Exercises with Jacob Wren (CA)




Tilgjengelighet Accessible with wheelchair No blackout No blackout No stage smoke or scents No strobe lights Seated With English text/speech

Workshop with Jacob Wren


Explore how current social, political and economic upheavals change how we write, with author and performance-maker Jacob Wren. Each participant invents a writing exercise prepared in advance.

This exercise can be anything: try to think of something that would
give you the urge to write, but it should be framed in a way that one
can respond by writing a short text. For example: Write down a dream
you might have if you were living in a more just world.

We read them out loud, then write short texts in response. The goal is to think together and start something, something we will definitely not be able to finish, but to feel the ways that writing might be able to take the measure of society in a state of becoming. More details after registration.