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Foto: Tale Hendnes


Epiclogue by Jonathan Ibsen & Bjørk-Mynte Paulse




Tilgjengelighet Accessible with wheelchair No blackout No stage smoke or scents Non verbal Seated or seating options Strobe lights

Epiclogue presents beginnings, tales, histories and forms new myths. The dancers Jonathan Ibsen og Bjørk-Mynte Paulse carve out space for the queer body to be strong, visible, and dominant. The performance examines what it requires—or perhaps costs—to take up space that is granted to others. Through the perspectives of a trans woman of colour and a white gay man, they scrutinize the world they live in and put problems concerning gender, sexuality and identity into context.   

 By rejecting the role of the vulnerable, Køteren og Terrieren fantasize about a speculative reality where dominant norms no longer exist. They search for possibilities in the interface between what is and what could have been. In Epiclogue, intimate encounters emerge, where bodies find courage and will through love, care, and trust in one another. Epiclogue is a strong and powerful statement on stage.  

Foto: Tale Hendnes


Idea, concept and choreography: Køteren og Terrieren / Jonathan Ibsen and Bjørk-Mynte Paulse
Performers: Jonathan Ibsen and Bjørk-Mynte Paulse
Co-creating artist, scenographer, costume designer and light designer: Chrisander Brun
Composer: Fredrik Petrov
Dramaturge: Sodja Lotker

Co-produced by: Bærum Kulturhus, DansIT and BIT Teatergarasjen

Other collaborators: MARC, Dansens Hus with koreografilaberitoriet, Godsbanen with Åbne Scene, Stamsund Teaterfestival, Illlu-science and Art.

Supported by: Arts Council Norway, Statens Kunstfond, Fritt Ord, Oslo kommune, FFUK, Augustinus fonden and Nordisk Kulturfond.


Køteren og Terrieren is an artistic duo composed of Bjørk-Mynte Paulse and Jonathan Ibsen. Their artistic interest lies in challenging and questioning societal norms. With curiosity and an unfiltered aesthetic, they approach questions that concern us all in an untamed way. Their ambition is to engage, challenge, and create dialogue through choreography and the staging of the reality we inhabit.

Foto: Tale Hendnes