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Artist talk | Free | Oktoberdans | Oktoberdans

Artist talk with Harald Beharie (NO)




At these artist talks, we will have the opportunity to get to know a little better some of the artists at Oktoberdans and the background to the works they present during the festival. Daniel Mariblanca/71BODIES will talk about his solo work The Basement, Joshua Serafin talks about Asian cosmology and the background for PEARLS, Berit Einemo Frøysland about Norwegian crofters and Blaff after the premiere, and Harald Beharie about his work for forests and resonance in Undersang. Questions from the audience are appreciated. Welcome!

Free | Artist talk | Oktoberdans
24. October Cornerteateret
Artist talk | Discourse | Free
23. October Hordaland Kunstsenter
Artist talk | Discourse | Free
22. October Hordaland Kunstsenter