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Our Privacy Policy

BIT Teatergarasjen is a programming theater with a mission to co-produce and present Norwegian and international performing arts. Information about our customers is registered in our ticketing system when a ticket is purchased and in Mailchimp, which we use to send out newsletters. Here you can read more about how we handle your information.

What is the purpose? The purpose of processing personal data is to carry out informational work related to our performance activities, as well as the production and distribution of marketing content. Personal data is also used in the marketing of performances, seminars, and other relevant activities related to BIT Teatergarasjen’s operations. What personal data is processed? The personal data collected depends on the purpose for which it is used, and we do not collect more than necessary. When signing up for our newsletter, we only use your email address to send newsletters with relevant performance information approximately every 14 days. If you purchase a ticket, your name, phone number, email, and address will be registered in our ticketing system. This information may be used, with your consent, for communication purposes to inform you about upcoming performances. Where is the information obtained from? If you visit our website or click on one of our digital advertisements, certain electronic traces are left behind. We will then, for a period of time, register certain information through cookies. A cookie is a text file stored on your computer when you visit or interact with a website.

BIT Teatergarasjen uses cookies to generate statistics, which may be used for marketing performances. The cookies record the use of our website and provide, among other things, a basis for improving and developing it.

When using the BIT Teatergarasjen website, your IP address (which identifies your computer) may sometimes be registered, showing which pages you visit, when you visit them, and how you use our website. This information cannot be traced back to you as an individual.

Is it voluntary to provide the information? DeIt is not possible to complete a ticket purchase without a minimum of personal information from the customer and/or user, limited to a minimum of full name, phone number, and email. Therefore, it is not voluntary if you wish to provide BIT Teatergarasjen with a minimum of personal information. Is the information disclosed to third parties? Our customer and user lists may, in some cases, be used on Facebook to target relevant content and advertisements to these individuals on the mentioned network. Simply put, this means we can upload email addresses of those who have purchased tickets for a performance “X” to show ads for performance “Y,” for example, by the same choreographer. We do this because we assume that the performance might be of interest to the customer.
Beyond this, neither whole nor parts of our customer and user lists are shared with third parties. How is the information deleted and archived? To stop receiving emails from BIT Teatergarasjen, you can unsubscribe from our email list in every email we send. If you do not want your personal information shared with third parties such as Facebook, you must contact us directly (contact information below).
What rights does each person have, and which country’s laws apply? SoAs a registrant in BIT Teatergarasjen’s user and customer list, you have the right to access all the personal data we have about you. You also have the right to have all your personal data deleted, provided that it does not conflict with accounting laws. How is the information secured? Your personal information is stored with password protection on our CRM Make.as. When lists containing personal information are transferred from one of the mentioned systems or to a third party like Facebook, the CSV file will be temporarily stored on a password-protected computer. Once the transfer is completed, the file will be deleted within a reasonable time.