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dead dead document
Oda Brekke/Lisa Schåman/Tuuli Vahtola | Dans en fest!
Kjøp billetter
27. august 2022 Kl. 18:00
Sted: Studio Bergen
Kategori: Dans
Varighet: work in process

Work in progress

dead dead document undersøker spor og rester i dans, forskjellige former for avfall og etterlatenskaper, som fleksible og motstandsdyktige aktører i seg selv, som poetiske landskaper og metaforer. I det vi retter oppmerksomheten mot det som blir igjen etter oss, blir vi var et stykke som utfolder seg i randsonen – av scenerommet, av dansen og av det vi allerede vet om.


Oda Brekke (NO/SE) is a dancer and choreographer living in Stockholm. Her work explores a material approach to perception in a practice that oscillates between performance and text. Her choreographic work When there’s only surface left was presented at Weld in Stockholm 2021, Bergen Kjøtt and höjden studios 2022 and will continue touring with performances at IMPROSPEKCIJE/Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art and Dance Cooperative in Copenhagen this autumn. Oda is a co-founder of the artist studio höjden in Stockholm. 


Lisa Schåman (AX/SE) works with experimental dance and choreography. Since her Bachelor degree in dance 2015 from Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) she has worked with choreographers such as Mirko Guido(IT/SE/DK),Ellen Söderhult (SE), Peter Mills, Malin Elgán (SE) and Oda Brekke (NO/SE). Lisa has studied Aesthetics at Södertörn University and is is a member in both the platform INSISTER SPACE and höjden studios. 2018 she received the DanceWEB-scholarship.


Tuuli Vahtola (FI) is a performer and choreographer based in Helsinki. In her work she's intrigued by intimacy, touch and imagining as well as the corporeality of language. She's member of Precarious Practices, a Helsinki-based working group and a platform focusing on artistic exchange. Tuuli holds a BA in Dance Performance from DOCH/Stockholm University of the Arts.