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What is (your) dance? / prøverommet at BEK
Kjøp billetter
03. mai 2021 Kl. 19:00
Sted: Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts, C. Sundts gate 55, 5004 Bergen
Språk: English
Kategori: Work in progress
Varighet: 1 hour

Is dance a universal language? 

Rita Maria Muñoz is researching this question and invites you to a special performance experiment where you will be able to experience the movements, thoughts and silences of the performance. As a spectator you are welcomed and allowed a place to question and ponder what dance is, what it is to you, and if dance is a universal language.

Rita Maria recently returned to Bergen after finishing her bachelor in contemporary dance in Iceland. The body is a central part in her creative process - how and why it moves, but also how movements are understood through our different gazes. She is interested in making works where the audience can have an atmospheric experience and at the same time be challenged in their beliefs.