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Prøverommet på Laksevåg bibliotek
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29. august 2022 Kl. 19:00
Sted: Laksevåg bibliotek
Språk: Englesk
Kategori: Multikunstnerisk Begivenhet
Varighet: 120 minutter

Prøverommet kick starts the season a little outside the centre of Bergen at Laksevåg bibliotek. If you haven't have the chance to visit this little gem since it opened two years ago, consider this your opportunity!

The event will be an evening of two halves, presenting two artists working with writing in different ways. If you would like to join, please register a free ticket using the link at the top of this page. Places are limited.

Maike Statz invites you to a reading group based on her research into weaving, using it as a metaphor or process to explore inherited social patterns. The project is called 'Storm Pine' and "proposes to combine weaving and writing to reflect on relations between process, finished object, gender, identity and place." During this event, Maike will share some of the writing she has been developing for the project.

Maike Statz is an artist and interior architect educated in The Netherlands and Australia, now living in Bergen. She is interested in space - the influence of architecture on individuals and society and its relationship to gender and sexuality. In her work Maike focuses on specific interior elements, such as furniture and textiles, reflecting on their philosophical and practical meanings and processes of production.

Carol Stampone invites you to a conversation and writing lab based on sustainability and desire. What forms can a sustainable life take? Who decides what is sustainable and for whom? Does it make sense to talk about sustainable art? From her specific site of speech, Carol is particularly interested in how gender, race and political and cultural locations shape the ways of life one is able to desire. This material will continue towards her forthcoming performance at BIT Teatergarasjen's Oktoberdans 2022.

Carol Stampone (1983-Brazil) is a performer, writer, and storyteller based in Bergen. She has a Bachelor's and a Master's in Philosophy (UNICAMP- UiB) and training as an actress (TEUC). Her current practice and research focus on the investigation of the limits and possibilities of performance as a tool for political education. Among the themes she explores are motherhood, refugeehood, racism, and gender-based discrimination.

Any questions? Contact Laurie (at) bit-teatergarasjen (dot) no.