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Post Capitalistic Values | Vernissage & Seminar
Kjøp billetter
15. mars 2018 Kl. 18:00
Sted: Bergen Kunsthall
Kategori: Seminar
Varighet: 1 times vernissage + 2 timers seminar

Flere økonomer og teoretikere hevder at kapitalismens siste time er nær. Den digitale revolusjonen, tilgangen på informasjon og den voksende delingsøkonomien påvirker livene og verdiene våre. Også vårt forhold til kunst. Uansett om man kaller det post-kapitalisme eller ikke, er det ingen tvil om at kulturen og økonomien gjennomgår store endringer. Hva betyr det for synet på kunsten og dens potensial? Kan de økonomiske og kulturelle endingene skape et nytt grunnlag for hvordan vi involverer oss med og verdsetter kunst? Kan kunsten påvirke samfunnet, og bane vei for alternative erfaringer og verdier?

I forbindelse med Post Capitalistic Auction av Jingyi Wang i samarbeid med Idun Vik inviteres det til et seminar om “Post Capitalistic Values". Før seminaret inviteres publikum til en visning av kunstverkene som skal auksjoneres bort fredag 16.mars. 

Arrangementet inkluderer også lanseringen av en katalog med presentasjon av kunstnerne og verkene som skal auksjoneres bort, samt en artikkelserie om kunst og verdi av Knut Ove Arntzen, Dave Beech, Andrea Phillips, Jose Maria Duran, Jacob Hjortsberg, Erlend Hammer, Paul Mason og Jenn Webb.  



18:00 – Vernissage.
Velkomstdrink og visning av kunstverkene som skal auksjoneres bort den påfølgende dagen. 

19:00 – Seminar: Post Capitalistic Values

Hans Marius Hansteen – Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bergen since 1994. In 2002 he defended a doctoral thesis on Adorno. Research interests include critical theory and rhetoric.

José Maria Duran – Lecturer at the HfM Hanns Eisler in Berlin, previously at the Free University. Durán holds a PhD both in Art History and Philosophy. Award winner of Escritos sobre Arte granted by Fundación Arte y Derecho for his book Iconoclasia, historia del arte y lucha de clases (Madrid 2009). He has also contributed to the work ANCAPS: Total Market together with PSJM. Member of the scientific committee of ANIAV, Durán has published extensively on the political economy of art, his most recent publications on the topic being La crítica de la economía política del arte (Murcia 2015) and “Artistic Labor and the Production of Value. An Attempt at a Marxist Interpretation” (Rethinking Marxism, 2016).

Erlend Hammer – Art historian, curator and former art critic. His critiques have appeared in Billedkunst, Kunstkritikk and Dagbladet and he has written numerous catalogue essays. His curatorial work includes Bunnies, it must be bunnies (Lautom Contemporary, 2009) and Momentum 7 (Moss, 2013). He lives in Oslo and works for the auction house Blomqvist Kunsthandel.

Eirik Saghaug – Owner of VaultStudios in Bergen. Saghaug is a gallerist who formerly worked in the real estate industry. Through VaultStudios he presents contemporary art with a focus on urban, pop, and photo works. Affiliated artists include Dolk, Pushwagner, Fredrik Wiig Sørensen and Sandra Cheerier and more. Eirik has been a collector for many years. 

Annette Kierulf – Artist working with drawing, woodcut, sculpture and artist books. She graduated from Vestlandets Kunstakademi (National Academy of Art, Bergen) in 1992. She has exhibited in numerous museums and galleries and her last solo show was at Hordaland Kunstsenter in 2017. Professor at Faculty of Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen.

Malin Barth – Director of Kunsthall 3,14. Her curatorial practise span from solo or thematic exhibitions that revise artistic issues and discourses; site-specific projects; the presentation of interdisciplinary projects derived from the relationship between contemporary art and other areas of knowledge. Her focus is on contemporary art set against the various dominant political actions worldwide, and is engaged with connotation through its intermediation with its surroundings.


Seminaret er utformet av Jingyi Wang og Idun Vik.